Monday, August 20, 2012

Why I've Been Wearing this Goofy Grin


I can't seem to stop smiling and having random fits of giggles lately...

Why?  Two reasons..


first, I sold my second novel - another middle grade stand alone currently titled Skies Like These - set in Wyoming - traces of cowboys and adventure and a city girl who needs to find her way in life.  It's slated for Spring 2014 and I'm in the middle of some wicked hard edits...but I'm tackling them with a grateful heart.


second, I just recently got word that With a Name Like Love will make it to paperback Spring 2013. This is something I've worried about ... as I once thought it was an automatic thing to go to paperback, but learned it is not at all.  A book has to earn its way and making it to paperback is more difficult than one might think.  The reason I care so much is because, as cool as a hard bound book is, it's pricey and I know a lot of readers just can't afford to make those kinds of purchases.  To me, paperback means a lower sticker price and more potential readers.  I know my kiddos spend their hard earned chore money very carefully -- they almost always opt for paperback when making a purchase.  The thought of this little story being in the hands of more children just makes me giddy with excitement.

There must be some good August news floating around out to share yours?


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Tess! Much to success to you with both books.

Um, August news...

Let's son is doing great his second time around in kindergarten. *winks*
My oldest is loving her first official week of college. *smiles*
And my middle child...well...she IS the middle child, so what more can I say. *sighs*

Anna Staniszewski said...

Congrats times two! How exciting! Keep on grinning. :-)

Faith E. Hough said...

Congratulations, Tess! I can't wait to hear more about your new book!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Congratulations, Tess!

superpaige said...

That is AMAZING NEWS!!! Congratulations!

So proud of you!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Wonderful news, Tess!!! I wish you luck on those edits. :)

Nichole Giles said...

*claps and cheers and dances* Yay! Hip hip, hooray! So excited for both bits of news. Can't wait to read your new book, and see so many more kids be able to buy With a Name Like Love in paperback. That's fantastic!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Wonderful news all round, Tess! So happy for you!! :)

Crystal said...

That is amazingly WONDERFUL news, Tess! I really enjoyed reading With a name like Love (you had me wishing for a sequel!), and look forward to reading your new novel. . . . Congratulations!! :)

Sorry, don't have any August news to report, other than my kids start back to school August 30th . . . now they won't be so "bored" anymore!

Barbara Watson said...

Such wonderful news--on both accounts! I just reviewed With a Name Like Love today, so I'm thrilled to hear about a second MG from you.

After Linda Jackson read my review, she mentioned your blog, and I just had to search for it. August news...I received feedback from two CPs, with one more reporting back next week, and then I'll be tackling a round of revisions for my current MG MS.

Tess said...

thanks for sharing in the good news all -- and for sharing your own!

Unknown said...

Congrats to your success.

Teri Harman said...

YAY! Congrats on both. Can't wait to read the new book.

Susan Fields said...

Congrats on both counts, Tess!