I Knew It!!!
How many times have you said that to yourself? When your intuition was screaming at you, but you reasoned your way out of it? When you've given up on something too soon or not soon enough?
As writers, we are highly intuitive.
Button the lips of that internal critic
Take note of your thoughts and then take action
If you are prompted to call a friend - do it. If you are prompted to spend more time here or there -- make it happen. If you are inspired in the direction of your writing - act upon that inspiration.
The more we act upon our intuitions, the stronger our intuitive hearts will become.
How do you cultivate your intuition?????
all photos courtesy of flickr.com
Great idea! I'll try and listen to my inner self a little more this week. =]
My inner self tends to go in five different directions ... but I'll give it a try : )
Since I'll be at the hospital with my son, I will have time to listen, while we wait. You're are right. But how do we know if our intuition is right? :)
Lexicon Luvr - ok, give it a try (if you can pull yourself away from your exciting new lappy!)
Klo- Amen, sister! I'm with you there.
Robyn- really? Oh, I do hope he is ok and it turns out to be something not too serious. Let me know will you? And, you bring up an excellent point. I think the more we take a chance to listen/act upon our intuition,the stronger it gets.
OK, I'm up for this.
Beautiful post! I'm going to set aside that time.
Love this post. Hope my intuition has some good answers for me. :)
Good advice! We're oftentimes so obsessed with what comes next that it's hard to listen to follow your intuition. Sigh...guess we'll give up refreshing our e-mail for a few minutes this week and give this a go.
Great post...I am very intuitive, and have ignored it many times when I shouldn't have! Especially with men. UGH!
LOL, Litgirl01!!!
Lisa and Laura - this is such an exciting and nerve wrenching time for you ladies...go ahead, you have my permission to refresh away!
Karen Amanda Hooper - Yes, I hope we all find an answer or two :)
BJ and Martin - hurray! I hope you feel more centered and find it worthwhile.
Great post, Tess! I need to really silence that inner critic. Maybe there's some duck tape around here.
Thanks for this post. I have made the mistake of reasoning away from my intuition more than once. I'll definitely keep your tips in mind.
I think this might be the answer to the post I'm putting up tomorrow... *sigh*
I had an intuition to call you when I finished your book, but you were busy in your garden. LOL. You're right, though, intuition, or that "gut feeling" truly is one of the best things a writer can listen to.
Great post. The few times I've ignored my intuition . . . things got really, really ugly! : ) I learned my lesson.
I think, we all also need to take the time to enjoy the world around us. Have a cup of coffee outside and listen to the birds. Take your book (The Hobbit, Friday Night Knitting Club, or whatever) and curl up on the couch with a glass of wine or drink of choice. Have some 'me' time with yourself. In many ways, I think this all goes back to this wonderful post by Tess. We all need to step away from our writing sometimes and remember that there is life out there beyond the writing . . . even if it's only for an hour or two. : )
Interesting post Tess! How do I cultivate my intution? I do try to meditate regularly (although this year has been a struggle, only seem to manage once a week) which helps me contact that inner voice. My current writing challenge, though, is to actively trust that inner voice over the inner critic!
Great advice! For me, I just need to focus on my book itself and let everything else (the inner critic, etc.) fall away.
Scott and Ann - yes! I love doing a little meditation on my deck. Something about the fresh air makes me feel more centered.
Joyce- not duct tape! It leaves a terrible rash. I know for sure because my mom went to a catholic school and the nuns would actually put duct tape on her mouth to keep her quiet!!!
Lady Glamis - now you have me intrigued about your post....
Struggling - you just got your first contract -hurray! Now is an important time to listen to that intuitive heart :)
MeganRebekah - you are right. that inner critic just has to go (for all of us).
Meditation is always a good thing. Clears away the clutter of the surface, and gives us a chance to learn what's really going on. :D
I always second-guess my intuition. I'm trying to be better!
I followed my intuition this weekend by planting flower seeds for a cutting garden. I also redesigned my website because something in my head kept saying "do it." Glad I'm not alone!
My intuition is saying, "Go back to bed and get some rest!" :) ...wish I could.
Great post! I feel like I'm trying to constantly get in better touch with my intuition. I think about it a lot when I'm revising. My brain wants to fix something, but my intuition tells me it's not actually broken. I'm getting better and better and telling my brain to shut up. We talk about rules and ideas a lot when it comes to writing because those are the elements that can be learned. But, the best writer will be able to entertain intuitively, and being able to do that takes practice.
I got the book this weekend, Tess! Thank you so much for it! It's sitting on my table waiting to be devoured.
It's so true, but sometimes I get swayed by other people's opinions. I'm doing better lately at following my own intuition. I trust myself more, I guess.
Thanks for this interesting post, Tess! It gives one a lot to think about. I'm still learning to trust my intuition more. Like lotusgirl, I do sometimes go by other people's opinions instead of trusting my own. And this crosses over into confidence in my writing, too, I suppose. I have to trust my instincts more about when it's the right time to send out my writing (I think it's soon, though!).
Good discussion today, friends. Thanks to all for joining in :)
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